Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Calm down everybody just CALM DOWN

Dear WebMD,
Today's dire economic climate has resulted in staggered layoffs at my company which has in turn caused a swelling epidemic of fear and despair. Even those without kids or a mortgage are having a hard time coming to grips with what it feels like to lose not only a steady paycheck but the comfort of an everyday routine, no matter how joyless it may have been for some. While I am more comfortable than most with sudden upheaval and the specter of poverty, the general air of anxiety is starting to stress me out. This sickness is catching.
Also I have a chicken pox-like rash, the sniffles, and my eye won't stop twitching. Am I dying?
Ghostproof Blanket

Dear GPB,
Yes, you are most definitely dying. We all are. And you should know better than to seek me out for answers when it just freaks you out.
Thanks for writing!

Talking Heads - Warning Sign (CBS Studio Demo 1975)

Adult. - In My Nerves