Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Favorite So-Oh, Wait, Blogger Took Down This Post.

Last night I got a message saying that my last post had been removed due to a violation of the Digital Copyright Music Act. I am banned in the USA. Not safe for work. Too hot for TV.
Speaking of too hot for TV, since I'm way too lazy to even repost the names of the songs you should download somewhere else, here is the most innocuously entertaining thing I've come across today: A clip from an old episode of "Check, Please!" featuring one Barack Obama. "Check, Please!" is a show on Chicago PBS in which a buncha Joe Foodies sit around a table and debate their individual experiences with a local restaurant; it's oddly hypnotic in the same way that "Antiques Roadshow" is which means I've only seen it while hungover on a Saturday afternoon. Here's Obama in the more innocent world of August 2001, before everything changed forever: before Aaliyah died in the plane crash!

Those Johnnycakes, they'll getcha.

1 comment:

John of Whaps said...

That takedown was some serious bullshit.

Thanks for the heads-up on the information and links. Greatly appreciate it.

This fight is far from over.