I've got the top down on my imaginary 'Lac today.
Summertime in the LBC - Dove ShackSummer Madness - Kool and the GangHere's Where The Story Ends - The SundaysSidebar, Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes Edition:
When my ex and I first moved to Oakland right after college we befriended a teenaged couple from Tijuana that lived down the street. One day, the girl (whose name escapes me now) came over to smoke a blunt and one of her eyes was swollen shut. She explained that this happened from time to time, and it was because a girl who Pepito had cheated on her with had put an evil-eye curse on her. She'd even been to a bruja, but no spell or poultice could lift the hex or even just bring the swelling down. At the time I was like "Uh-huh" but secretly was all, "They're called eyedrops lady. Medical science — check it out!" Now, though...
I've had this mystery eye infection for the past four months, especially in my left eye. It ranges from full-blown pinkeye bouts to a lone swollen orb, streaming tears for no apparent reason. Steroid drops, OTC drops, compresses, temporary remedies all. I've clearly been "marked," and I did nothing for my eye-karma a few weeks ago when, in describing the video footage of Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes' deadly car wreck I said "It's not super-graphic. I mean, you don't see the light go out of her right eye or anything." The *next day*, after a redness-free week, I wake up and the fucking thing is swollen shut again. I just want to say, I'm sorry for whatever I did to the person who hexed me, and more importantly (because famous people are more important), I am sorry to Left Eye, who is now the patron Santería goddess of eye-curses everywhere.
U Know What's Up - Donnell Jones feat. Left Eye