Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday Funtime

When the East is in the house...
Danger - Blahzay Blahzay

Nightclub brawls are dangerous. But he's okay! (via Goldenfiddle)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Indian Summer Jams.

I've got the top down on my imaginary 'Lac today.

Summertime in the LBC - Dove Shack
Summer Madness - Kool and the Gang
Here's Where The Story Ends - The Sundays

Sidebar, Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes Edition:
When my ex and I first moved to Oakland right after college we befriended a teenaged couple from Tijuana that lived down the street. One day, the girl (whose name escapes me now) came over to smoke a blunt and one of her eyes was swollen shut. She explained that this happened from time to time, and it was because a girl who Pepito had cheated on her with had put an evil-eye curse on her. She'd even been to a bruja, but no spell or poultice could lift the hex or even just bring the swelling down. At the time I was like "Uh-huh" but secretly was all, "They're called eyedrops lady. Medical science — check it out!" Now, though...
I've had this mystery eye infection for the past four months, especially in my left eye. It ranges from full-blown pinkeye bouts to a lone swollen orb, streaming tears for no apparent reason. Steroid drops, OTC drops, compresses, temporary remedies all. I've clearly been "marked," and I did nothing for my eye-karma a few weeks ago when, in describing the video footage of Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes' deadly car wreck I said "It's not super-graphic. I mean, you don't see the light go out of her right eye or anything." The *next day*, after a redness-free week, I wake up and the fucking thing is swollen shut again. I just want to say, I'm sorry for whatever I did to the person who hexed me, and more importantly (because famous people are more important), I am sorry to Left Eye, who is now the patron Santería goddess of eye-curses everywhere.
U Know What's Up - Donnell Jones feat. Left Eye

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My life is full of problems

Switch is playing Studio B on Saturday night. It's not one of the dates Diplo is co-headlining, but sure to be a great time nevertheless. I'd already put on my spangled sweatband and was excitedly polishing my fancy-dancing shoes when I remembered: I invited some people over and I totally can't go. Blast it!

One of my favorite getting ready to go out songs:
Lily Allen - LDN (Switch remix)

A funny Youtube subgenre is the song posted with either the artist's still image or some sort of slideshow. Here's one for the Switch-produced "World Town," which is my favorite on the new M.I.A.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This song is sooo 2006, but I have it in my head today so I'm posting it.
The remix is good too.
That is all.

Lost to the Lonesome - Pela
Lost to the Lonesome - Cassettes Won't Listen remix (CWL myspace)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday Funtime

Over 18 and my eyes are green, I wear more gold than that man on A-Team.

Slick Rick - Mona Lisa

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Oh, Hot Chip. I thought the somewhat-barebones jangle of "Coming On Strong" was a snoozer, and I wrote you off. Then you picked up the pace with "The Warning," which had a couple of real gems and I started to warm up. When I saw the video for "Over and Over" my feelings cooled, because I am shallow and kind of wished you were less twerpy looking. And I'll just say it: loved the beats, lukewarm on the vocals. But this. This song is undeniable. You've broken me. I love you now. This is like that time someone made me watch an "Absolutely Fabulous" marathon and at first I squirmed my way through all the Britishisms and the sweetie-darlings and then after three hours I achieved complete saturation and suddenly found it hilarious. It's like I always say, tenth time's the charm.

Hot Chip - Shake A Fist
For extra bounciness:
Hot Chip - My Piano

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Internets are talking about Sexton Blake (not this one, but this one), who is one Josh Hodges hailing from Portland OR. His "Sexton Blake Plays the Hits!" is exactly what it sounds like. Some of the covers, like this one, are pretty straightforward. His version of "I Need Love" is inspired but "Human Nature" dissolves into a treacly mess, embodying everything I find repulsive about indie white boys suffering from an acute — and effete — case of sinceritis*. You can't help but think he's hoping to walk in Cat Power's path to recognition here, although his largely faithful and completely harmless covers are nothing like her most blistering, nearly unrecognizable ones. I'll hop onto the nostalgia train for B.D. Eyes though, since it gets me every time (listen to the Mylo track if you feel the same way).

Sexton Blake - Bette Davis Eyes

Mylo - In Your Arms (King Unique remix)

*sinceritis: an affliction in which someone's constant sincerity and self-seriousness evokes an "Are you fucking with me here? Your unwavering earnestness is confusing me" reaction in those around them. Symptoms include excessive eye contact, overusing the name of one's conversation partner, and a seeming inability to process sarcasm.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Jams. Jams. All manner of jams.

Thanks to a certain special lady, I had a delightful weekend of sun surf and sand in beautiful Long Beach Island. And it wasn't just fun — I learned some things too: there's nothing quite like a homemade Korean rib or five, and a Mexican blanket makes for a warm and RAVISHING (screw you guys, new fall look) poncho. This week was a bit of a roller coaster, and I needed a dance party reeeel bad. Lucky for me I have a bunch of first-rate undulation specialists in my inner circle. It's like Gabby instructed during the improv-choreography contest: "You can't forget about the ass."

As per request, here was my playlist plus three:

Jay-Z - Dirt Off Your Shoulders (Siik remix)

Yin Yang Twins (feat. Pitbull) - Shake

Chromeo - Fancy Footwork

TTC - Travailler (Orgasmic remix)

Teki Latex - Les Matins de Paris (Surkin remix)

Klaxons - Gravity's Rainbow (Van She Tech remix)

Air - Mer du Japon (The Teenagers remix)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday Funtime

From Wikipedia: "One item of interest with regard to Biz has been the truthfulness of some of his claims about various musical and pop-culture miscellany which he has alleged he owns. He has bragged in interviews about toys, lunchboxes, videotapes and records that no one has ever heard of although he swears to his ownership of said items."

Wait...what? As in he makes up toys that don't exist? Like he's all, "Yeah, I have the original V.C. Andrews 'Flowers in the Attic' doll set. Chris, Cathy, Cory and Carrie, all mint-in-box." That's kinda weird, Biz. His own doll comes with delightful accoutrements though.

Biz Markie - Just a Friend

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mmm...white chocolate.

I had dismissed Jamie Lidell as Beck-lite until I caught his live show, where he and his laptop looped and beep-borped their way into my heart.

Jamie Lidell - Multiply (In a Minor Key)

Good for Robin Thicke! I am happy he has found crossover success, although I still prefer his first album. Also, he could really stand to lose the odd 1990s facial hair. [buy]

Thicke - Flowers In Bloom

Honeycut, I just realized, is the only act listed here that hails from the good ol' US of A, and they're also the least white chocolatey. Coincidence?

Honeycut - Shadows

The first time I heard this song I thought it was Robin Thicke, but it's Fink. British, sometimes folky, sometimes bluesy.

Fink - Pretty Little Thing

I know Jamiroquai is as corny as Jay Kay's collection of terrible hats, but this remains one of my favorite sunny day songs. I'm not too proud to share it with you.

Jamiroquai - Half the Man

Monday, September 10, 2007

To my Scandinavian readership

If you are a rap group and you are from Helsinki, I think a good name for your band would be Big Finnish. I don't know why a rap group, in particular; I guess because that sort of bravado is a hallmark of the genre. But really I'm probs just thinking of Mister Cee the Finisher. Love me, love my addiction to urban radio.

If you are a Chinese rapper, though, you should definitely call yourself "Chinesus." My friend once woke up laughing after she dreamed that our other friend introduced her new Asian boyfriend by saying, "he's called Chinesus. But I call him Japanesus!"

Architecture in Helsinki - Heart It Races (DJ Rupture mix)
via KEXP's song of the day podcast, subscribe!

They're from Sweden, not Finland, but for theme's sake:
Snook - Hip Hop

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Say goodbye to summer jams

The end of summer always gives me a case of the bummers. I've been living in denial, but the time has come: The season of "Chocolate Rain" and sexy subprime-lending scandals is over, and now I must turn my attention to the hot fall fashions (hike those jeans waaay up ladies!).

Here's a final trickle of songs I had on heavy rotation from Jun through Aug.:

Digitalism - "Pogo"
Cassie - Me & U (siik remix)
Big Ria - "Knucklehead"
DJ Quik - "Pitch in Ona Party"
All Smiles - "Summer Stay"

Monday, September 3, 2007

Fresh hell

Allow me to direct your attention to the Itunes celebrity playlist of Amy Grant, who my mother used to torment me with in the eighties when she was in one of her crazy "let's be really Christian all of the sudden/ I'm going to have faith healers pray on you to cure your recurring strep throat" phases. I mean Amy Grant's own music is horrible, so naturally she's going to listen to the softest of rock, the litest of FMs. But Jesus Christ (sorry Amy), it is literally the worst dentist office music playlist ever invented. "Walking in Memphis." "I Can't Make You Love Me." "You've Got a Friend." Be more of a cliche, please. I wonder what would happen if someone played her, like, Mastadon or Mobb Deep. She would probably burst into flames. I don't want to start rumors, but I've heard it's actually the only way she can be killed.

Metric - Wet Blanket