Friday, August 8, 2008

it's like murder she wrote, once I get you out them clothes

E-Six and Roan played this in the DJ tent of Lolla on Sunday and that's when I officially fell in love with them. It's kind of obscene how much Kel I post, considering how I actually hate him as a person. I guess like with most things I blame God. For giving him the very voice of an angel! An angel I don't want to be touched by, but I'm too old for him anyway.

Cousin Cole - Ignition Remix Remix

(div share)

Here's the Chromeo song I deleted for no real reason the other day...I want to see them live again in a non-outdoor festival setting where I'm dancing and trying not to come up against the zitty back of the shirtless Broseph in front of me. I also want to learn French real quick so I can have Dave 1 as my TA.

Chromeo - My Girl is Calling Me (a Liar) (div share)

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