Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm going underground, guys. Pray for me.

On Sunday I will stuff Caligula into the slightly-too-small cat carrier and relocate from Brooklyn to Chicago. I won't have Internet access right away, so GPB will be silent for at least a few weeks. It also fully dawned on me today that I'm straight-up unemployed, so feel free to e-mail me money and foodstuffs. Speaking of things I received in the mail, I'm sure this track will be all over Hype Machine by the end of the day but I can't say no to anything Amanda Blank and this remix is tight:

Amanda Blank - Get It Now (Japattack Remix)
(alt link)
Related: That Wishbone ad with "Bump" as the background music is so absurd I can't even be that upset by it. That, and I'm too old to cry sellout as I do realize that even Pase Rock has to pay utility bills. Still, gross.

Wish me luck on my new misadventure and if you live in Chicago, feel free to get in touch!

1 comment:

Demo said...

I am pretty sure you can pick up the neighbor's wireless network downstairs. And we'll feed you for babysitting. That should work out well.