My trip back home was both great and mildly torturous. Not only do I miss my friends, I miss the summers I'm used to: the ramshackle magic of Coney Island, shows at McCarren Pool and Prospect Park, saying I'm going to SummerStage knowing I'll never make it above 42nd Street, drinking at countless Brooklyn rooftops, bars, and backyards, even waiting for the F at 1 am on the brain-scrambling sweatbox that is the Second Ave platform staring at the end of the tunnel with every other single person there, all of us silently praying in unison for the light to reflect off the linoleum tiles. I'm trying (only semi-successfully) to not be homesick, to make the best of my time here in Chicago, and to hope I'll feel it more here once I get into a routine. I just need to embrace my new surroundings, and wow, also try not to sound so self-helpy when I talk about these things, fuuuck.
Anyway, here's some more of my go-to hot weather music. I'm gonna go eat a peach.
Kimya Dawson - Parade (alt link)Funkadelic - Can You Get to That (alt link)The first time I heard "Maggot Brain" was on a Chicago visit; I found it in my sister's CD collection from college. I was 16 and it's one of the last times I can remember getting that feeling you get as a teenager when you first hear a certain album and you don't know what it's quite about, but you definitely know you want in on whatever "it" is. The perfect soundtrack for your next bbq.
Buy it.
DJ Cam - Dieu Reconnaîtra Les Siens (alt link)Quix*o*tic - Sitting in the Park (alt link)Jimmy Jones - Good Timin' (alt link)*photo by Jennifer Herbert