Tuesday, August 28, 2007

When hip-hop goes emo

If the criticism most often leveled at mainstream rappers is that their constant "look at my rims/Timbs/hos/clothes" bragging is hollow and just plain tired out, I've always felt that the parallel problem with many indie ones (or dirty-backpack rappers, as Wendy Williams calls them) is that their rhymes often consist of similarly tired complaints about how they'll never be famous, since they're diametrically opposed to the top-40 gangsta game.
While he definitely falls into that trap on occasion, Slug — the rapper half of Atmosphere— is a pretty great writer. I've been in love/hate with him over the years; in addition to his many songs about Lucy the ex from hell, he's expressed some pretty fucked views on women in general. An ex put "The Ocean" on a mix for me after we broke up, and it was 1,000 times meaner and more imaginative than the songs I put on his (Elliot Smith's "Just Somebody That I Used To Know," Leonard Cohen, etc.). Seriously, check out the lyrics. Ow.
Slug's perpetually glowering stance has earned him an unfortunate biracial-Eminem label. He's been at it for longer, though, and I think Ant's production makes Atmosphere altogether more enjoyable. Three songs, two poison-pens and one love letter:
Atmosphere - Fuck You Lucy From God Loves Ugly
Atmosphere - Reflections From Seven's Travels
Felt (Slug and Murs) - Dirty Girl From Felt 2: A Tribute to Lisa Bonet

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