I'm moving this week and my job ends the following day. As soon as I've settled into my new digs and had my previous roommates Eternally-Sunshined from my brain (Morbidly Obese Southern Shut-In, Crazy Eyes and her husband Out of Work Stuntman, the cat with bladder problems, the old mean cat, the convalescing bunny, the ferrets I never had to see thank g-d: I'll see you all in Hell but Mr. Giant Fish you're ok), I'm hoping to keep as busy as an unemployed person can. 2009 has gone by lightning fast so far, but it's been pretty great. Yesterday I ran my first 8k - in a snow storm, adding another item to the long list of things I never thought would happen in the past 365 days. Now I'm starting to get absurdly excited for the summer even though it's still months away.
Back when it actually felt like spring last week I started listening to a compilation called Fly Girls! B Boys Beware: Revenge of the Super Female Rappers! While they could have picked better songs from some of the artists represented - the Latifah, Lyte, and Missy songs are obvsville and it reminded me that I've meant to post some (more interesting) stuff from Bahamadia - there are some inspired choices like Nikki Giovanni. A couple gems:
Sparky D - I Can't Stop (divshare)
Camille Yarborough - Take Yo' Praise (divshare)