Via KEXP blog:
Feral Children - Jaundice Giraffe
a feeling of longing for something that one is fond of, which is gone, but might return in a distant future. It often carries a fatalist tone and a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might really never return....Saudade is different than nostalgia (the English word, that is). In nostalgia, one has a mixed happy and sad feeling, a memory of happiness but a sadness for its impossible return and sole existence in the past. Saudade is like nostalgia but with the hope that what is being longed for might return, even if that return is unlikely or so distant in the future to be almost of no consequence to the present. One might make a strong analogy with nostalgia as a feeling one has for a loved one who has died and saudade as a feeling one has for a loved one who has disappeared or is simply currently absent. Nostalgia is located in the past and is somewhat conformist while saudade is very present, anguishing, anxious and extends into the future.One of the things I find so beautiful about saudade is that not only does it perfectly encapsulate this certain kind of wistfulness, by giving it a name it celebrates it as something of value. It doesn't dismiss it as useless wallowing, it acknowledges that some people leave a bigger fingerprint on you than others, and that's just part of our lived experience: That happened, I knew you, we were there.