Tselanie: and another thing.... what's the deal with macaroons?! its like they were just invented yesterday or something!
me: hahaha
they are a trend-food for sure.They're like a wedding thing now, the macaroon tree has replaced the cupcake towerTselanie: dude! it's out of control. my co-worker brought some in a few weeks ago. they are all over blogs. i like the "classicism" of them, but geez louise! they are NOT tasty!
me: I think I have had the thought "I wish I was enjoying this macaroon more," which is stupid because why do I wish that? because they're so pretty and cool to like? You're right they're not that good.
Tselanie: yes! we want to like them because every acts like they like them all the time. actually the artificial coloring freaks me the fuck out
all in all, macaroons make me pretty angry
me: Finally, someone is brave enough to say it
Tselanie: i just put up two facebook posts. i'm going to wait a few hours and rant this one out on there
me: hahahaha
I may blog it!
it's time to admit this emperor has NO clothes
Tselanie: he is literally nude