Well actually only four regulation summer jams, I'm not sure any song with a Paul Auster reference can be considered a "jam" per se* but I think I love Fionn Regan's lovable moppet-troubador stylings. Caribou's song just makes me want to run around naked in California. Yeah I was Google-imaging Ryan McGinley photos earlier today.
I look at this ad every morning on the 6 train, and the first time I saw it I thought about that Chinese horror movie "The Eye," where a blind girl gets an eye transplant and starts seeing creepy-ass ghosts everywhere like the eyes' former owner did. It made me laugh to imagine that happening to the two people who got Jerry's eyes, where they can see perfectly, but once in a while they get flashes of mundane shit like the "Law and Order" craft services table and Benjamin Bratt's face.
Whatup. The purpose of this blog is to give songs to my hot hotties* since my computer's got no burner drive. That'll be coming soon, but for now I'll direct your attention to my two new favorite things.
This is the jail they put people in for being too awesome:
Some people apparently find mashups irritating, or simply a fad past its prime; a played-out result of too many ADD-afflicted nerds with a copy of Pro Tools. This ADD-afflicted nerd says mash 'em up til there's nothin left, and if you're anything like me, you're going to go here right now and download this:
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